We do have continuing expenses (lawn, electric, port-a-john, etc.) that are not being currently met by donations and our annual fundraiser. We find it disconcerting that after a 3-day weekend of perfect weather and a full parking lot this spring, total donations were $4!
While we will never place a mandatory fee for use of the park, we are now strongly suggesting that each visitor place $1 in the barrel by the exit area after each visit.
This suggestion does not apply to the wonderful donors who have contributed between $10 and $500 since the first of the year. If you wish to make a single, larger donation to cover your visits for any period, please mail to:
Wantage Dog Park
59 Deckertown Tpke
Sussex, NJ 07461We are a 501(c)(4) Organization (nonprofit) with NJ State incorporation.
On behalf of our dogs... THANK YOU!